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Team Effort
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Serving in Altoona

For more information email
Harry Houck


For more information from Team Efforts national web site - Click Here.

Team Work001

Teams of youth, from churches located all over the U.S., come to Altoona to serve families and individual in need. (Picture from the Altoona Mirror).

Team Altoona Staff 2024

2024 Team Effort Staff with their Altoona “Grandparents” Harry and Sue Houck

Team Prayer 001

In addition to physical help, students learn how to minister in prayer and love with the people they serve.

Team Worship001

Evening programs at the Lighthouse provided prayer, worship, and teaching for the teens involved.

TeamEffort Dinner

Altoona churches help with meals and resources to enpower the mission of TEAM Effort.

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Web Design by:

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This web page was created by Paul C. Stauffer III, graphic artist and media designer.  For information about media and design services please visit   Paul C. Stauffer III is a contributor of  content to these web pages.  Content responsibility lies with the client who commissioned the creation of the web page content.